The Beach Huts Are Coming!


Our first 6 beach huts will be arriving shortly and will be available for rent for the season from April to September. They will be located near the new sea defence wall on the harbour esplanade. We are hoping to offer them to worthwhile activities and sports participation etc.

If you would like to apply for a beach hut please email stating your organisation, purpose and intended use of the hut.

Sea Defence Wall Official Opening


Photo from left
Barbara Wyllie, Viridor Credits – Scotland SG
Michael Williams MBE, Lord-Lieutenant of East Lothian.
Paul Zochowski, Viridor Credits – Scotland SG
Jane McMinn, North Berwick Harbour Trust Association

The new sea defence wall at North Berwick Harbour received its official opening on Friday 12th August. The opening was performed by Michael Williams MBE, Lord-Lieutenant of East Lothian.
The sea defence wall project was organised by the North Berwick Harbour Trust Association and received funding from Viridor Credits.

Assistant Harbourmaster

We are pleased to welcome Corrine Gordon to work until the end of August as a Temporary Assistant Harbour Master. Corrine will cover full days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and overlap with Ross for part of the day on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

New Sea Defences

The project to improve the sea defences around the esplanade was completed during 2015. This will provide additional protection to the harbour and dinghy park.